
Friday, 21 February 2014

Mick Foley, the WWE, and pro wrestling in general

Last week, some good friends and I made the trek out to New Westminster for a Valentine's Day date with the Hardcore Legend himself: Mick Foley.

For those of you who haven't been following his post-WWE antics, he's taken to stand up comedy; or at least a reasonable facsimile thereof. It's more storytelling than actual stand-up, but I'm splitting hairs.

For about 90 minutes, Mick had the audience in stitches. I could honestly have listened to him speak for 5 hours, but we were there for the early show and there was another show so he had to get off. Anyone who has seen any of his WWE promos knows that there have been few, if any, men who could work a microphone like Cactus Jack/Dude Love/Mankind/Mick Foley/Doink the Clown.

Kidding, Mick never portrayed Doink (as far as I know).

In addition to being a gifted storyteller, and having some terrific stories to tell (which always helps), Foley has a warmth and an "everyman" quality which endears him to audiences. This is evident on stage, and even more so during the "meet and greet" that he hosts before or after every show on his tour.

Mick couldn't have been nicer; answering any questions and signing autographs (no extra charge), posing for accommodating as you could possibly ask. We were 3rd or 4th in line, and while we were waiting, it was obvious to anyone paying attention that Foley was tired; very tired. I'm not sure exactly how many shows he had previously done (dozens?), but that kind of travel will wear on anyone; and Mick Foley was not just anyone. He's the Hardcore Legend, and he has done more with his body than any human being in existence should EVER do. And he did it all to earn a living (of course), but mostly, he did it all for US: the wrestling fan. He did it to entertain us, and to make sure we felt like we got out money's worth when we bought a ticket to a WWE/F event, or bought a Pay-per-view.

At what cost? It was a bit uncomfortable to watch him hobble around on stage. Mick would be the first to admit he's put on a pound or two since retiring from active competition, but it's much more than that. The years and years of abuse has taken a toll on his body that most human beings cannot possible imagine. Don't believe me? Check out the end of this clip.

Yes, that is Foley (as Mankind) being "thrown" off the top of the Hell in a Cell steel cage.

If ANY of you are saying to yourself "yeah, but they are professional wrestlers, they know how to fall", please stop reading this immediately, go to your kitchen, grab the biggest butcher knife you can find, and slam it into your skull until you pass out or die.


And you know what? As Foley so eloquently puts it in his show, that incredible industry-defining moment was the SECOND worst thing to happen to him during that match. Second. SECOND!!!! Later in the match, the Undertaker choke-slammed Mankind THROUGH the cage (yes, after that scene I posted, Foley managed to get his bearings and climb back up to the top of the cage and keep performing!!!), down to the ring, where Foley was knocked literally unconscious.

He did that for US. For our entertainment.

I wonder if he knows how revered he is in the business, and by wrestling fans everywhere? I hope he does. I wish I had told him that during the meet and greet. I should have.

Foley is far from the only wrestler who has paid the price for his in-ring performances. Watch the Iron Sheik walk these days. Or Hulk Hogan. Hell, watch the Great Khali, who is still wrestling, walk to the ring. He apparently has no cartilage left in his knees. It shows; he takes so long to get to the ring the WWE can usually cut to commercial, and get back before he gets there.

The Undertaker reportedly had a broken ankle during that match I posted above. Before the match started. BROKEN ANKLE, and he still managed to perform in that match.

You think pro wrestling is fake? There is nothing fake about it. These guys and ladies put their health and lives on the line every single night. Sure, it's entertainment; the outcome of the matches is pre-determined; but that's not the point. They take their bodies to the breaking point, 300 or so nights a year, for our entertainment.

Just last week, Nelson Frazier Jr, who wrestled as Mabel/Viscera/Big Daddy V passed away at the age of 44. Forty-four. Ok perhaps this is not the best example of the rigors of the business, as Frazier was morbidly obese and a heart-attack was sadly almost pre-determined; but there are countless examples of pro wrestlers in peak physical condition who passed well before their time. If I were to start naming them, we'd be here for hours; and I'm not trying to be morbid, and I'm not trying to be negative on the business that I love. I'm just trying to point out how incredible these athletes are. And it doesn't really matter what they look like; huge "attraction-type" wrestlers like Frazier, or Yokozuna, or Andre the Giant, or Haystacks Calhoun...... or world class athletes like Brian Pillman, Eddie Guerrero or Andrew "Test" Martin.....the business takes it's toll. They give everything to the business, and sometimes the business takes everything in return. I can't think of any industry where the employees give so much to try to stay on top.

I love the WWE, and at the same time, I absolutely hate it.

Here's hoping that we never have to hear another story of a pro wrestler, current or former, passing away well before their time.

Thank you, Mick, for everything you have done, and continue to do. I wish you all the best.


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