11:30 AM - Off to the park. Not really sure what to expect as it's been so long since we were at this park. We have three Fastpasses booked and also a sit down lunch at a restaurant that I've heard is good.
First we get on the Kilimanjaro Safari, which is sort of the same thing you get at California's San Diego Zoo Safari Park, but on a much smaller scale. Still, it's fun and it's an opportunity to see animals you don't see anywhere else. Tracey got some great pictures, especially considering that most of them were taken while riding in a moving Jeep on bumpy terrain.
Just a fucking kitty. |
1:30 PM - Lunch at the Yak and Yeti restaurant and it was really, really good. We both had appetizers and chicken dishes and had enough food left over to take home and have for dinner tonight. They serve Indian and Chinese inspired dishes and have excellent selection. Really good.
After lunch we hit the Kali River Rapids, an inner-tube river ride that we know we are going to get soaked on....and we did.....but what a letdown this ride was. I had forgotten it is SOOOOO short, just one little drop and that's it. The Grizzly River Rapids ride in Disney's California Adventure is 10X better.
Next up there are some more animals to check out including some spectacular birds.
Komodo dragon who decided it was time for a big yawn. Apparently they are able to take down animals as big as.... |
...this thing, a water buffalo. |
After the animals, we headed to Expedition Everest, the big ride in the park, which neither of us remembered to be all that special. Boy our memories were off. It was fantastic.
One more picture:
This is construction on Pandora, the World of Avatar, which is scheduled to open in 2017 and reported to be really quite spectacular. We'll see!
On the way out of the park, I was finally able to harpoon the White Whale. Pocahontas is dead! Well not DEAD, good grief that sounds macabre. She's just finally off my list of princesses to take pictures with, which leaves the list at zero, at least until next year when the next one comes along.
Cute story: the girl in front of us in line to get pictures with Pocahontas was in tears, she was so happy to meet her. This happens from time to time with the princesses (is Pocahontas a princess? Not really by any actual definition, I don't believe), but it's usually with really little girls. This girl? She was at LEAST 17! Tracey actually thinks 19-20.
The cast members helping out the line said they absolutely LOVED it when older 'kids' had this kind of reaction for the characters. I get that, but I wonder if they would have felt the same way if *I* was in tears meeting Pocahontas?? Changes things a bit, right? :-)
5:15 PM - Time to head out of the park, which closes at 5:30 anyway, and head back to the resort. We had a fantastic day, better than we thought. We had underrated this park, I think, and are looking forward to our next visit in 5 or so years once Pandora is open.
7:30 PM - Up to the pool for a little Nelson tradition of hot tubbing. 20 good blog reader points to anyone who knows the movie that is referenced from.
Every time this entire trip that we drive by a Mustang convertible, which is pretty damn often, one of us points at it and says "hey, next time we should get a convertible!".
FUCK YOU, Alamo.
To bed at a reasonable hour tonight, hopefully, as I'm still trying to kick this cold once and for all. Today was an improvement.
Tomorrow: Nothing. Our last "resort" day of the trip, probably some preliminary packing, as we prepare for a very early Friday morning flight. Thursday we are at the Magic Kingdom one more time, so it would behoove us to at least get started on things tomorrow.
You know what else would behoove me? Using the word behoove more. It's just neat to say.
It would behoove you to read tomorrow's blog too.
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