
Monday, 21 January 2019

Vacation Blog VI, Part IV, it's my favorite person's birthday today!!!

5:05 AM - Yeah really not that excited to be up this early. Slept OK, I guess, but sure could have used more. Perhaps I'll find time for a little nap later, but we have a fun day planned.

And I need a fun day, let me tell you. Yesterday's football results hit hard. I used to be very emotional about sports, and I rarely (if ever) get like that anymore, but the Chiefs losing to Tom Fucking Brady and his deflated balls in that fashion? Hard to live with.

If only there were a bunch of cute cat videos on the internet somewhere that could cheer me up.

But time to move on, and make today my wife's best birthday yet! She deserves no less. I am sure she will sleep for many, many more hours.

Speaking of which, I hear her stirring in the bedroom so maybe this is my chance to go back to bed without disturbing her.

9:35 AM - MUCH BETTER!!!!!!!!!!! She can sleep later if she likes, but I am much more rested now.

10:05 AM - The hard reality of real life smacks me in the face, as I get a notification that it's time to check in for our flight home tomorrow. Four nights here is just not enough. Luckily we are just a few months away from our next trip here.....we do it all again for six nights, with the main event being AEROSMITH!!! And in even better seats than we had for Gaga. Awesome!

10:15 AM - The birthday girl is up and is a fantastic mood until she looks at her phone and sees the boarding pass I sent her for tomorrow's flight. Rage ensues.

....but it's short lived. Our free breakfast has been ordered and she hops into the shower to prepare for the day. There are about 12 things we want to accomplish on our last day here, and we actually will try to do 2 or 3 of them. We will see how successful we are.

10:45 AM - Well holy shit, as we are eating breakfast the fire alarm goes off!! Oh man. Tracey runs to get dressed while I go to the safe and grab our valuables and our passports and get ready to run down 23 flights of stairs. OMG I hope there isn't a huge fire in the Hotel. we get into the hallway, we notice that the fire alarm is going off ONLY IN OUR FUCKING SUITE!! Well, I guess the hotel isn't on fire.

It takes 15 minutes for a maintenance guy to get up here. He is great and solves the problem quickly, but Tracey did not ask for a splitting headache for her birthday, and that's what she got. Not so great.

I hop into the shower....AND THE FUCKING THING GOES OFF AGAIN.

11:45 AM - Same maintenance guy is here, and this time he is actually removing both smoke detectors and replacing them with new ones. Having said that, the ones that kept going off were brand new already he said, so he is unsure of what the problem is. Suffice it to say we are not particularly pleased. Damn good thing this didn't happen at 3 in the morning.

We will have to have a chat with the front desk when we go down. Not acceptable.

Maintenance guy finds the issue......a wire that was not attached properly when the smoke detector was installed. Well, at least this shouldn't reoccur.

12:15 PM - Downstairs to hop into the car to go to the Mirage. We have a couple of comp passes to the Secret Garden & Dolphin Habitat. While we go outside to wait, I realize that the weatherman wasn't kidding when he issued a wind advisory for today. Here is me, a fucking dumbass, in shorts and tank top. Quickly upstairs to put on a T-shirt and jeans, and honestly that isn't really even enough. It's freaking cold today, a departure from the beautiful mild weather we have enjoyed so far this trip.

I'm pretty cold most of the time while at the Garden....but you know who else is cold? The cats!! Usually we are here when it is stifling hot and the bigt cats sit there and do nothing due to the heat. That's not the case today! They are all up and around, and there is even some frolicking and play fighting. We got some incredible pictures. Just a couple examples.

Those are from my camera; Tracey got some better ones with her new iPhone which has a 10X zoom. I'll post some of those after we are home.

Oh, before leaving the Mirage we head to Rhumbar and I pick up my first, and only, Pina Colada of the trip. I am a little bit disgusted with myself, but at least I made up for it with extra great wine. I mean, you can only drink SO much, right? At least that's what I've heard.

3:30 PM - After some more retail therapy (it was a really, really, really good birthday for someone - when we walked into Jimmy Choo they all screamed "THE ENGEMOENS ARE BACK! THE ENGEMOENS ARE BACK!!!), we head to Trevi for lunch/dinner/whatever you call a meal at 4 PM. The food is fantastic as always

5:40 PM - Back to the room and I am going to have a soak while Tracey packs. As soon as she is done, I would anticipate I will be physically removed from the tub as she will take over for "Birthday Bath". It will be epic. That's not a prediction - that's a spoiler.

6:52 PM - Tracey is just about done with the packing and I am out of the bath so as to avoid a confrontation. It's her world, I'm just livin' in it.

And besides, I mean it's almost 7 PM, I'm freaking exhausted. Time for bed! I need my rest to try to outrun the border guards tomorrow when they see how much we bought down here. Aye, carumba!

Oh, and I was wearing my Chiefs T-shirt today and I cannot count the number of people that said they were so sorry to see them lose yesterday. Nobody likes the fucking Patriots!!!!!!

Chances are this will be it for my blogging this trip; if I write one tomorrow it will probably be because something extraordinary happens (and I'm not sure I want anything extraordinary to happen on a simply travel day), so, until April....

Engemoen out!

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